Identify Locational Hotspots Basis Buying Potential!

Stop limiting your growth by relying on generic market research and population surveys for consumer location insights. These are top-down, based on small samples, and carry qualitative bias! Leverage Xpert’s location intelligence built ground up on deterministic transactional data from over 6M+ buyers & precise at a lat-long level, to supercharge your expansion.

Tracking 6M+ Buyers across 500+ Digital/ Retail Brands
Identify & Target Buyers Basis Their Key Traits
Integrates seamlessly with Google/ Meta Ads

What Can Xpert Locational Intelligence Do For You?


Evaluate Store Locations Basis Buyer Proximity

  • Without access to precise locational intelligence on their target consumers, brands often rely on generalized demographic and popularity statistics to choose new store locations. This typically leads to expansion in high-density areas, popular malls, or high streets, resulting in higher operational costs without proportional returns.

  • Xpert solves this by identifying locational clusters with high concentrations of actual buyers & mapping these against your specific store locations. This helps evaluate new store, warehouse, or distributorship opportunities based on proximity to actual buyers.

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Understand Your Market Penetration

  • Your own data only allows you to compare performance with past sales and other outlets, but NOT the actual buying potential of an area. This limits your ability to accurately gauge growth prospects and identify underperforming areas.

  • Xpert benchmarks your market share against its universe of buyers, helping you identify saturated vs untapped locations, thus empowering your marketing decisions

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Discover The Top Housing Societies That ‘BUY’

  • Your current BTL campaign strategy aiming activation in housing societies is based on resident population data which doesn’t equate to buying potential. This leads to sub-optimal marketing impact & lower sales conversions.

  • Xpert uses its network intelligence to calculate the actual buying potential of housing societies in each city, ranking them at the area/pincode level. This allows you to optimize your hyperlocal marketing budget & get better results.

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Our Core Offerings

What Else Can
Xpert Do?

Discover ways you can leverage Xpert to optimize marketing spends & grow your sales


Ad Targeting

Reduce your CACs by 30% by targeting your Google/Meta Ads to actual buyers identified basis their past purchases across our 7M+ Buyer Network.

Marketing Measurement

Optimize for New User CAC, instead of ROAS to eliminate ad-platform bias. Identify sales impact on marketplaces driven by off-platform digital ads!


Buyer Insights

Discover personality traits, purchasing patterns & buying motivations of your target consumers. Tailor your creatives & strategy to match your buyer personas.


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