Improving Online ROAS

Grow Your Online Sales By Optimizing Your Marketing Spends!

80%+ Ad Spends are wasted on targeting the wrong users, measuring the wrong metrics & missing the biggest growth opportunities. Leverage Xpert to align your marketing initiatives into driving measurable sales across your website & marketplaces!

More than 300+ brands across product categories & sectors have leveraged Xpert

What Can Xpert Do For You?


Eliminate 80% Wasted Ad Impressions!

  • Only 2% (10M) of India’s Internet Users account for all DTC purchases! Thus, >80% of your Ad Impressions get wasted on reaching ‘interested’ users that CANNOT afford to buy!

  • Xpert identifies actual buyers, basis their past purchases across our network of 400+ brands. These get targeted via our audiences shared to your existing Google / Meta Campaigns.


Remove Ad Platform ROAS Bias

  • Optimizing for ROAS is easy, but inaccurate as both Google/ Meta are guilty of over-attribution i.e. taking credit for the same customer and counting repeat buyers, to exaggerate their effectiveness.

  • Xpert measures true marketing effectiveness by linking sales data with ad spends - to track actual incremental sales growth & nCAC (New User Acquisition Cost) reduction!


Track Ad Impact on Marketplace Sales!

  • Our Digital Ads only get optimized basis our website sales , whereas they also influence the majority of our purchases (>60%) that are driven via marketplaces - creating a blind spot.

  • Xpert aggregates omni-channel sales data & measures them against your digital ad campaigns to identify true effectiveness.

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Know Your Buyer Traits

  • We have a limited understanding of our customers, as they dont really tell us much beyond their purchase. Most user research gets qualitatively driven basis individual calls.

  • Xpert enriches your customer understanding, with its network intelligence to identify new buyer traits, customers types & goals that were invisible earlier. These get leveraged to improve creatives & launch new products.


Measure Branding Ads Against Sales Growth!

  • Branding Campaigns often get evaluated against vanity metrics ( Followers, Likes, Views), especially since sales outcomes are delayed & are harder to directly attribute against.

  • Xpert enables setting up of geo-lift experiments that evaluate true marketing effectiveness in isolated individual geographies against incremental sales growth & Vs benchmark markets.


Drive Brand Recall By Increasing Frequency!

  • Brand Recall is built by higher frequency of ad views, achievable only through repeated targeting of specific buyers. Doing this with ad platform-generated broad audiences, within optimal budgets, is practically impossible.

  • Xpert identifies the 2% of users that actually make purchases and are hence valuable to repeatedly target. This enables building frequency and thus recall within the same budget.

Our Core Offerings

Our Features

Discover how you can leverage Xpert to grow your sales!


Ad Targeting

Reduce your CACs by 30% by targeting your Google/Meta Ads to actual buyers identified basis their past purchases across our 7M+ Buyer Network.

Marketing Measurement

Optimize for New User CAC, instead of ROAS to eliminate ad-platform bias. Identify sales impact on marketplaces driven by off-platform digital ads!


Locational Insights

Identify buyer hotspots to target for your promotions & retail expansion. Tailor your marketing to every locality & housing society.

Our Process

How it works?


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